Kennedy Uglacy 2.2: The Saddest Chapter
Welcome back! I apologize for the delay, life happens. You know. Last chapter Gen 1 heir Jack had twin daughters, Leslie and April. We start off our next chapter with the return of a special guest...
Liz was the first one on the scene and then it started to get ridiculous.
It's such a tiny room that Jack an Grimmy stood in the same spot.
Then the maid joined them...
We'll call this 3-headed monster "Fluffy"
Andy came by too and is really really sad about his Grandpa :(
How many sims can you fit in a bathroom?
Bye forever Kenneth :( :( :(
Kenneth Kennedy
Wife: Mila Munch-Kennedy
Kids: Liz, Jack, Tracey, Dennis
Traits: active, snob, perfectionist, business savvy
Aspiration: Mansion Baron (Incomplete - lvl 2/4)
Career: Athletic, Pro Athlete branch (Level 10)
Will Be Missed For: His stupid beautiful face
First up is Leslie. She doesn't seem to have any outstanding features right off the bat, but we all know how deceiving toddler looks can be!
Leslie meets April and gets a sad moodlet because she didn't want a sibling, lol!
It's also Andy's birthday! Flattering pair these two, aren't they?
Okay we're starting to get somewhere here. Darling's nose is apparent and he also seems to have Jack's face shape. Andy rolled the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration and the klepto trait.
Jack gets promoted to Niche Broadcaster and makes $97 an hour. His followers are increasing by leaps and bounds!
I think the Nanny is glitched. She's not leaving, and not autonomously doing helpful things, but she does help when asked to. Eventually I sent her home after her needs had decayed significantly and it cost me over $500, lol.
Darling got promoted to Development Captain and got this sweet trophy! She now makes $78/hour
Darling is such a supportive wife. She comes over and cheers as Jack practices his comedy routine.
Again, these tablets are a life saver! and the little ones love them and get all their skills in.
This is how jack came home after his promotion, haha. He's a Meme Maker and makes $156 an hour. Meanwhile all the kids on tumblr do that for free
Jack celebrates his birthday all gussied up but looks the same with a few extra wrinkles.
Darling's latest office gift, a stack of CDs. She picked the e-gamer track since she has mad video game skills, and is now an e-sports competitor, making $121 an hour. This family is flush with cash.
I couldn't pass up on sharing these, they're too cute. Wait, we aren't going for cute here! What gives!
Alright, ugly time! Kids are always uglier than toddlers. Leslie is up first!
Her profile resembles Jack. Check out that bottom lip! Leslie rolled the Whiz Kid Aspiration, and the Loves Outdoors trait. That is totally random, I swear! The similarities to Leslie Knope are coincidental.
These two cuties are getting ready for April's age up.
She looks a lot like Andy, which means Darling. April rolled the Art Prodigy aspiration and the Klepto trait (just like Andy)
I know this hasn't been a very long chapter but I wanted to give you something to show I haven't forgetten about our Ugly Mission! Who do you think is the ugliest so far? Until next time!
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