Kennedy Uglacy Ch 2.1: More than we Bargained For

Welcome back, readers! When we last left off, Jack and his new wife Darling were trying to start a family, since she is a mere 6 days from being too old to have ugly babies.

Fortunately, it worked!

In other good news, Jack got promoted to Clickbait Writer and makes $29 an hour

 Not everything in the household is all rainbows and smiles, however. Here we see Liz trying to burn the place down, after discovering that she is not going to be the heir.

 That's right, after comparing her and Jack side-by-side, there was no question that Jack is uglier. She's going to stick around until she completes her career though, she's come too far to quit now.
The boys in this family are really not concerned at all by fire, are they?

 Finally it's time for this gorgeous waste of space to grow up and get out!

My only question is.... how dare you disgrace this family with looks like that?? Before we kick him out, let's take a final look at his life
Tracey Kennedy
Parents: Kenneth and Mila
Siblings: Liz, Jack, and Dennis (3rd of 4)
Traits: insider, good, outgoing, gregarious, happy toddler
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack (incomplete)
Will Be Most Missed For: Being in the background of all the pictures, but never in them
 Verdict: NOT UGLY. like... at all.
okay bye forever!

 Now back to the sims that matter, Darling was promoted to Code Monkey and got this sweet pile of hard drives. That's the dream. She's now bringing home $47 an hour

Oh, and also a brand new person. 

 Little known fact, baby sims are actually born through a lightning fast cocoon stage, where the mother and baby are both liquefied and reformed separately.

 The process was a success! This is Andy Kennedy, the first of the Parks and Rec generation, a show I am currently watching for like the 8th time. He is named after Andy Dwyer, the most lovable goofball you could imagine.

 Jack - "Oh my god I am responsible for another sim's LIFE. WHY did I want to be heir???"

 Working from home means you find out about promotions at weird times, like when you're cooking breakfast. Jack is now a Simstagram Searcher for $35 an hour.

 Now that Jack is officially the heir, I had Darling drink a Potion of Youth. Out of curiosity, I looked it up and appears to not be against the rules if only used once. See, I'm not a total rule breaker!

 Liz got promoted to "Serious Musician" and got this sweet award. As a musician myself, I'm really jealous and would love to own a sculpture like this. She now makes $78 and hour

 Dennis must be lonely, he keeps talking to the toilet!

 Darling got this really boring clock for getting promoted to Ace Engineer. $63 an hour.

Moment of truth, let's see if Andy is ugly enough for this family!

 I can see the resemblance from both Jack and Darling, so I think he's promising. He rolled the Fussy trait.

 Darling is like...weirdly skinny. I don't know how she can even lift that child with those toothpick arms!

 Darling always looks like a scared chipmunk or something. You see the eye twitch? Maybe she's not too excited about having another baby...

 Jack looks positively mortified.

 Jack got a few signed posters for his next promotion to Cat Video Creator, and makes $56 an hour. They don't have a cat though, I'm concerned...

 He unlocked the ability to "Record Rant" and it was funny to watch, but he lost 550 followers :/

 Fortunately he more than made up for them with his first live stream. Gained 1200!!

 Darling brought this home when she got promoted to Project Manager. I can't stop laughing at the idea of work giving you a couch as a bonus, haha. Congrats, here's a couch. Hope you drove a truck today. She now makes $73 an hour.

 Dennis - "Hmmm.... it says here that getting your hand stuck in the wall mean's you're probably a witch." 

 Can we just talk about Dennis for a second here? Or any spare really. He does so much behind the scenes stuff so the other sims can excel in their careers and aspirations. He cooks, feeds the kids, skills with them, plays with them...

 And does mom appreciate it? NO. Look at that side-eye. I see you judging, Darling.

 The final date for Jack's aspiration was at the gym, where he finally found Darling so they could be together! CUTE. Jack earned the Companion trait.

 Meanwhile, Liz earned this antique piano for getting a promotion and there's NO ROOM for it! We'll have to do some re-arranging soon. Liz is now Professional Pianist and makes $87 an hour

 Darling is so tiny that her belly looks GINORMOUS. Like, too big to be normal.

 Oh and she's in labor. Just like Kenneth, Jack sleeps right through it. SIM DADS, AMMIRITE

 Welcome Leslie! She is named after the main protagonist of Parks and Rec, Leslie Knope.

 But wait, there's more! This is April, named after my second favorite character on the show, April Ludgate. I guess that huge belly wasn't normal.

 It's time for the monkey's birthday

Fairly normal looking to be honest. Lets take a moment to appreciate his life before he gets kicked out.
Dennis Kennedy
Parents: Kenneth and Mila
Siblings: Liz, Jack, and Tracey (Youngest of 4)
Traits: Mean, Cheerful, Bro, Happy Toddler
Aspiration: Best Selling Author (incomplete)
Will be missed for: Doing all the housekeeping work
Verdict: NOT UGLY

 Make that two monkeys birthdays. Liz is still working on her career so we'll keep her around a while longer.

 After the twins were born I did some rearranging. The formal sitting room became Liz's Crooning Corner

 Lis'z old room became the girl's room. (Hey, Dennis)

 And now Kenneth has to share his room with Liz.

Jack seems genuinely shocked to have daughters. That or he's about to toss his cookies, lol.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!


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